Which of the following describes a fancy name for nosebleed?
A. Epistasis
B. Atelectasis
C. Epistaxis
D. Epixtasis
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Healthy Lifestyle Entomology Toxicology Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Carbohydrates and Proteins Measles and Hib Cardiorespiratory System Homeotic Genes and Cancer Cardiopulmonary Human Eye and Colorful World Types of Reproduction Muscular System Movements Muscle Tissues Organ Systems BiocompositeOther quiz:
Biochemistry › ViewWhat type of bond is formed between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another?
A. Ionic bond
B. Covalent bond
C. Hydrogen bond
D. Metallic bond
Protozoan Diseases › View
This protozoan has a two stage life cycle in which one is called a cyst, and causes dysentery.
A. Entamoeba histolytica
B. Foraminiferan Polystomella
C. Typanosoma brucei
D. Apicomplexa Plasmodium