Medical Quiz

Cardiopulmonary Quiz

While reviewing a patient’s medical record prior to treatment, the physical therapist assistant notes that the patient has a diagnosis of congestive heart failure with right ventricular involvement. Which of the following is the patient MOST likely to present with?

A. Pulmonary edema

B. Progressive dyspnea

C. Dependent edema

D. Renal changes with increasing blood volume

Select your answer:


Respiratory System Ecology & Organisms Nervous System Functioning Physical Fitness Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Homeostasis - Vision Correction Nutrition in Humans and Animals Injuries in Archery Brain Motor Neuron Disease Diseases Key Terms Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Philosophy Osteoporosis

Other quiz:

Environment › View

What is the theme of environment day 2020

A. Beat air pollution

B. Beat plastic pollution

C. Celebrate Biodiversity

D. Connecting people to nature

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

Reasons that viruses are considered to be nonliving is because

A. They are not cellular

B. They cannot reproduce on their own

C. They cannot make proteins

D. all of the above