Medical Quiz

First Aid Check up Quiz

How many breaths are in one round of CPR?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Select your answer:


Medication Administration Surgical tech-safety Digestive System Medical Terminology Pharmacology Calculations Muscularskeletal System Enzymes and Digestion Skeletal Pathology Transportation and Excretion Endocrine System and Nervous System Eco Factors & Bacteria Obesity Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Human Anatomy Study Guide Skin Appendages Circulatory System

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If you go to a doctor and are prescribed antibiotics you probably have an illness cause by a

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. host cell

D. macrophage

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Heat shock

A. Trap the plasmids inside the cell.

B. Enlarges the pores of the cell.

C. Provides for the death of the cell.

D. Increases the disintegration of the cell wall.