Medical Quiz

Wellness Vocabulary Quiz

A plan in which private companies or government programs pay for part or all of a person’s medical costs.

A. health consumer

B. health insurance

C. consumer advocates

D. specialist

Select your answer:


Micro Immunology Cellular Respiration Environment Joints Economic importance of Bacteria Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Motor Neuron Disease HNBS Intern Human Health Physio Intro Practice Blood and Hematology Human Eye Germs & Diseases Medical Microbiology Disease & Immunity

Other quiz:

Respiratory › View

(asthma) When an allergen is inhaled, which cell is activated through engulfing this particle?

A. Mast cell

B. Columnar epithelium cells

C. Dendritic Cells

D. T Helper Cells

Special Senses › View

What statement about the sense of taste is true?

A. Taste is influences by the sense of smell

B. Taste buds are called lacteals

C. There are no taste buds in the back of the tongue

D. There are two main tastes, sweet and salty