What divides the left side of the heart from the left side?
A. Atrium
B. Ventricles
C. Wall
D. Septum
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Cardiology Medications Bio Cells Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Urinary Nutrition in Animals Microbial Growth Nutrition in Humans and Animals Pharmacology Components of Physical Fitness Uses of Radioactive Radiation Movement and Locomotion Muscular System Properties of The Hair and Scalp Dyslexia Musculoskeletal Anatomy: KneeOther quiz:
Dermis › ViewWhat is a sign of increased vigilance
A. hair standing on end in mammals
B. hair laying down in mammals
C. hair falling on end in mammals
D. hair breaking off on end in mammals
Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric › View
It is the system in your body that is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It sends and receives signals that tell your body and mind what to do.
A. nervous system
B. regimen
C. neuromuscular therapy
D. joint replacement