The _____ is a hollow organ that contracts when a fatty meal goes into the intestine.
A. cystic duct
B. cecum
C. none of these is correct
D. duodenum
E. bladder
Select your answer:
Physical Education Blood types and Blood Components Muscle pathophysiology Meiosis and intro to Genetics History of Healthcare Physiology Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Beneath the Skin Health & Wellness Vocabulary Heart Regulating the Cell Cycle Bone Erythrocyte Disorders Diseases Communicable or non Communicable NailOther quiz:
Urinary System › ViewGlomerular blood flow is unique because it flows
A. through a glomerular portal vein
B. directly from the renal artery into the glomerular capillaries
C. from arteriole to capillary bed to arteriole
D. from arteriole to capillary bed to vasa recta
Anatomy and Histology › View
What covers the entire muscle, bundles of muscle fibers, and individual muscle fibers?
A. Nervous tissue
B. Adipose tissue
C. Epithelial tissue
D. Connective tissue