Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

gets out of its normal position at the joint

A. Sprain

B. Fracture

C. Dislocation

D. First Aid Treatment

Select your answer:


Emergency Medicine Circulatory and Respiratory System Pathology - Chronic Inflammation 5 Major Food Groups Hematology / Oncology Physiothearpy in Neurology Epidemiology Muscoskeletal Injuries Healthcare Systems and Settings Herd Immunity Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Pulse Nutrition form 2 Biological Molecules and Enzymes Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health

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A. To Help You Breathe

B. To Move Your Bones

C. To Produce Carbon Dioxide 

D. To Keep You Warm

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The process by which chemicals break food down into their building blocks is called

A. mechanical digestion

B. nutrition

C. small intestine

D. chemical digestion