Medical Quiz

Parts of the Brain Quiz

Part of the parietal lobe responsible for coordinating and processing information about touch, pain, and temperature. Posterior to the motor cortex.

A. Sensory cortex

B. Wernicke’s area

C. Pons

D. Cerebellum

Select your answer:


HHB Immunology Lungs Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Infectious Disease and Pathogens Blood Typing Biology Renal, Cancer, HIV Types of Nutrients Prehabilitation and Conditioning Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Anatomical Terminology Hospital Departments Parts of the Body Carbohydrates

Other quiz:

Pain Pathophysiology › View

Yesenia, Justin, and Angel are studying for their biology exam. Yesenia asks Justin a question: ‘What is the relationship between nociceptors and pain perception?’

A. Nociceptors are like the body’s thermostat, regulating body temperature

B. Nociceptors are like a volume knob, dampening the sensation of pain

C. Nociceptors are like an amplifier, increasing the sensation of pain

D. Nociceptors are like a messenger, transmitting signals to the brain

Psychiatry in the ED › View

How do you differentiate the sedative-hypnotic toxidrome from the opioid toxidrome?

A. HR/BP/RR/Temperature

B. Diaphoresis vs. dry skin

C. Pupils

D. Bowel sounds