Medical Quiz

Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Quiz

Proteins contain what elements?

A. Carbon

B. Hydrogen

C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

E. All above

Select your answer:


Urinary System Types of Doctors Vessels CV System A&P & Pathology General Anatomy Skin Structure Connective Tissue Renal, Cancer, HIV Branches of Microbiology Renal Replacement Therapies PHE Healthy Lifestyle Chronic Diseases Medical Suffixes Population Genetics Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

What is the function of the ribs in the skeletal system?

A. Protects our brain

B. Allows us to move our mouths

C. Protects our heart and lungs

D. Allows us to walk, run, or jump

Histology - Tissues › View

The matrix areas in connective tissue have which of the following purposes?

A. cyber intelligence

B. responds to injury and infection

C. filters substances that can be harmful

D. helps bind