Medical Quiz

The Brain Quiz

Receives sensory information and relays it to the proper part of brain for further processing

A. Hypothalamus

B. Reticular Formation

C. Cerebellum

D. Thalamus

Select your answer:


Muscle Histology Diabetes Mellitus Vet Terminology Healthy Living Vocabulary Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Haematology Lipid Metabolism Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Skin Diseases Radiology Infection Control Molecular Biology Muscularskeletal System Integumentary System Medical Terminology Composition of Blood and Blood Cells All About Blood

Other quiz:

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

What is transformation (with regard to bacteria)?

A. The bacteria mutates

B. A plasmid from one bacterium becomes incorporated into another

C. The bacterium puts on it’s cape and becomes a superhero

D. The bacterium recieves enzymes from another bacterium.

Hematology › View

What is the primary difference between plasma and serum?

A. Serum contains clotting proteins

B. Plasma lacks water

C. Serum lacks clotting proteins

D. Plasma lacks solutes