Medical Quiz

Safety Terms Quiz

OSHA was created to _______.

A. provide proper break and lunchtimes for employees

B. help prevent accidents in the workplace

C. provide medical care in the workplace

D. teach employers how to save money in the workplace

Select your answer:


Cartilage Microbio (Viruses) Upper Limb Thyroid Disease Infectious Diseases & the WHO Autism Awareness Liveability Burns and Skin Cancer Parts of the Skin First Aid Check up Properties of the Hair Muscles Pulmonology/Respiratory Histology of the Ear Sense of Sight

Other quiz:

Physical Activity › View

Percentage of body fat

A. Body fat

B. Body composition


D. Body

Genetics › View

Which of the following describes the ability of a single gene to have multiple phenotypic effects?

A. incomplete dominance        

B. multiple alleles          

C. pleiotropy            

D. epistasis