Medical Quiz

Organelles Quiz

Why does the inner membrane of the mitochondria have so many folds?

A. The folds increase surface area which increases space for chemical reactions

B. The folds decrease surface are which increases the space for chemical reactions

C. The folds increase surface area which allows the mitochondria to function smoothly

D. The folds decrease surface area which allows the mitochondria to function smoothly

Select your answer:


Tissues Vocabulary The Brain Our Control Center SSTI and Bone Infections Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Bacteria and Viruses The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Neurological Concepts Disease Cards Organelles Biological Molecules and Enzymes Types of Medical Reports Biochemistry Lab Chest, Back, Abs DNA and RNA Structures The Nervous System and The Senses

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Nonpathogenic bacteria are _______.

A. harmful

B. harmless

C. disease-producing

D. toxic

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What happens when enzymes are denatured?

A. Enzymes increase in activity

B. Enzymes lose their substrate specificity

C. Enzymes become more efficient

D. Enzymes change shape and lose function