Medical Quiz

Lifetime Wellness Quiz

Read the statement below. Which person is the best listener?

A. Belinda listens quietly. Her mind often wanders while her friends are talking.

B. Nick Saban agrees with whatever the other person says. He rarely interrupts to offer suggestions.

C. Jerry Jonres just interrupts everyone and does not let anyone get a word in.

D. LaKisha listens without interrupting the person. She gives appropriate suggestions

Select your answer:


Fish Health Management Nutrition - Digestive System Germs & Diseases Phlebotomy Medical Terminology DNA Structure and Function SPED Law-lympics Muscular System Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Genetics Safety and First Aid The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Bacteria Orthopaedic Neurology Hospital Unit Orthopedics

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A. pupil dilates

B. glucose concentration increased

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