Topics: World Health Day Quiz
What is health?
A. Physical well-being
B. Social Well-being
C. Mental Well-being
D. All of these
Select your answer:
Pathology Inhalation Injury Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Personal Growth Plan Pulmonary Edema and CHF My Teeth Upper Limb Genetics Enzymes and Digestion Infectious Diease Linked Gene Vitamin Forensic Pathology Gastroenterology Nursing Skin DiseasesOther quiz:
Hele Skeletal System › ViewThere are 206 of these in your entire body, what are they?
A. Nerves
B. Blood vessels
C. Bones
D. I don’t know
Hygiene and Nutrition › View
We should always keep medicine in a _____cupboard.
A. Open
B. Closed