Vital Signs Quiz
Which patient is the BEST candidate for an oral temperature?
A. 1-year-old healthy infant
B. 16-year-old receiving his annual physical exam
C. 21-year-old patient on seizure precautions
D. 62-year-old comatose patient
Mrs. Palmer has a blood pressure of 110/56. The 56 is the ______ pressure
A. diastolic
B. systolic
C. low
D. static
What is the normal range for SPO2?
A. 90%-100%
B. 100%-110%
C. 92%-100%
D. 80%-100%
The area of the body where you take a radial pulse is
A. the neck
B. the wrist
C. the groin
D. the inside of the elbow
When should the nurse aide report a pulse ox to the nurse?
A. 86%
B. 60%
C. 90%
D. 95%
You count respirations for how long?
A. 1 minute
B. 5 minutes
12 to 20 represents …
A. the respiratory range for an adult
B. the pulse rate for an adult
C. the temperature ranges for a baby
D. the blood pressure range for an adult
What is the BP in the picture?
A. 220/110
B. 216/100
C. 216/110
D. 216/90
A slow heart rate of less than a 60 bpm
A. tachycardia
B. bradcardia
C. tachypnea
D. bradypnea
Of the following, which person is MOST likely to develop hypertension based on risk factors?
A. Underweight 12-year-old Indian female student
B. Obese 40-year-old African American male smoker
C. 30-year-old Asian male distance runner who works as an air traffic controller
D. 45-year-old Caucasian mother of triplets who is on a low carbohydrate diet
The terms, weak and thready, are MOST usually associated with which vital sign measurement?
A. Blood pressure
B. Pulse
C. Respirations
D. Temperature
When taking a pulse, why should the thumb NOT be used?
A. The width of the thumb impedes an accurate feel for the pulse
B. The thumb has a pulse and can be confused with the patient’s pulse
C. The sensation of the thumb is not as good as it is in the middle two fingers
D. There is more dexterity in the fingers than there is in the thumb
The number on the bottom of a BP reading measures…
A. Pressure during a heart contraction
B. Pressure between heart beats
C. Pressure of the blood vessels on the blood
D. Thickness of blood
Is the blood pressure in the picture normal?
A. Yes
B. No
A patient had a sudden drop of 20mmHg in systolic pressure and 10mmHg in a diastolic pressure when the patient moves from a lying to sitting to a standing position. What is this called?
A. Hypotension
B. Orthostatic hypotension
C. Hypertension
D. None of the above