Types of Immunity Quiz
Vaccine is an example of _____________
A. Natural active immunity
B. Natural passive immunity
C. Artificial active immunity
D. Artificial passive immunity
Herd immunity is the result of a large number of people being immune to a pathogen.
What is inside an antiserum?
A. Specific antibodies
B. Weakened pathogen
C. Blood plasma
D. Lymphocytes cell
What is the purpose of vaccine?
A. Prevention from the disease
B. Gives immediate protection
C. A part of the treatment scheme
D. Increase risk of getting the disease
Breastfeeding is how a baby will acquire a _____________
A. Natural active immunity
B. Natural passive immunity
C. Artificial active immunity
D. Artificial passive immunity
What has been injected into a person’s body that will produce the antibodies level as in diagram
A. weakened pathogen
B. antiserum
C. antibiotics
D. blood plasma
The disease smallpox was eradicated (ended) in 1979 because
A. it went away naturally
B. of antibiotic treatment
C. of variolation (blowing smallpox up the nose)
D. of worldwide vaccination
Why does active immunity remains for a long period of time?
A. Due to prolong injection of antibodies into human body
B. The presence of phagocytes to engulf the pathogens
C. Increase in mast cells that help produce histamine
D. Production of memory B cells that increase antibodies
What type of immunity is obtained by individual P an individual Q?
A. P – Artificial active immunity Q- Artificial passive immunity
B. P-Natural active immunity Q- Artificial active immunity
C. P- Artificial passive immunity Q- Artificial active immunity
D. P-Natural passive immunity Q-Natural active immunity