Medical Quiz

Topics: Trauma Surgery Quiz

What factors comprise the lethal triad of hemorrhage in the trauma patient?

A. Hypothermia, acidosis, and dilutional coagulopathy

B. Hypoglycemia, hypotension, anemia

C. Hypoxia, hypertension, hyperglycemia

D. Hypervolemia, alkalosis, coagulopathy

Select your answer:


Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Myocarditis Viruses Biomolecules Virus Properties of The Hair and Scalp Infectious Diease Metabolic Sauver Urinary Nervous & Endocrine Systems Biology for Engineers DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Vocabulary Circulation and Excretion Physical Pharmacy Neurology

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Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

What gene is often mutated to become inactive which can lead to cancers?

A. p57

B. EVR 1

C. p53

D. telomerase

STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) › View

A patient wants you to tell them about another patient across the hall.
What would you do?
A. Answer the resident’s questions because she has the right to be informed.
B. Tell the resident to mind her own business
C. You explain that you can not giver information about another resident to anyone–it is the policy on confidentiality
D. You make the resident promise that she will not share the info you give her and then tell her about the resident