Medical Quiz

The Ankle and Lower Leg Quiz


This is not a medical emergency, it’s due to being very active with pain in the lateral and anterior leg, causing lower leg numbness, weakness, etc.

A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

B. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

C. Acute Compartment Syndrome

Which of the following are signs/symptoms of an achilles tendon strain or tendonitis?

A. Stiffness in the morning

B. Thickening over the tendon

C. Consistent swelling that gets worse throughout the day

D. Pain following a workout

E. All above

attaches gastrocnemius to the heel 

A. peroneus

B. achilles tendon

C. deltiod

D. fibula 

Which of the following are Signs and Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Rupture:

A. Swelling and deformity at site of injury.

B. Loss of function, mainly in plantar flexion.

C. Athlete reports a pop or snap associated with the injury.

D. All above

Dorsiflexion with eversion

A. Deltoid Sprain

B. Talo-fibular Sprain

C. Tibio-fibular Sprain

Which of the following are Signs and Symptoms of Tendonitis. Except

A. Increased temperature in the immediate area

B. Immediately apply ice and compression

C. Tendon is painful to touch

D. Typically pain intensifies at rest

Which test is used to check for an achilles tendon rupture?

A. Thompson’s Test

B. Thomas’ Test

C. Heel Tap

D. Tib/Fib Squeeze

What other ligament is injured with an inversion sprain?

A. Anterior Talofibular

B. Anterior Tibiofibular

C. Deltoid

D. Calcaneo-Fibular

When applying first aid to an ankle sprain. what is a good acronym to follow?





Aching, squeezing pain, numbness, weakness, etc. when the muscles in the lower leg begin to swell may cause from direct blow or excessive exercise.

A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

B. Compartment Syndrome

C. Jones Fracture

D. Lisfranc joint sprain

E. Ankle sprain

Very common sport injury cause by repetitive microtrauma is an overuse injury, pain in anterior portion of the shin, it can progress to stress fracture if not treated.

A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome( Shin Splints)

B. Shin Contusion

C. Tibial and Fibula Stress Fracture

D. Compartment Syndrome

This is another name for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

A. Shin Splints

B. Vastus Lateralitis

C. Vastus Medialitis

D. Chronic Exertional Stress Syndrome

Untreated tendinitis of the Achilles can result in?

A. Tendinitis

B. Rupture

C. Sprain

This is a medical emergency, due to being struck in the lower anterior leg, causing lower leg numbness, weakness, etc.

A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

B. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

C. Acute Compartment Syndrome

What ligament is injured with an inversion sprain?

A. Anterior Talofibular

B. Anterior Tibiofibular

C. Deltoid

What does the acronym R.I.C.E. stand for:

A. Respect, Integrity, Courage, Excellence

B. Regular, Interlaboratory, Counting, Exchange

C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

D. Rapid, Internal, Core, temperature Elevation

What is the most common ankle sprain?

A. Inversion

B. Eversion

C. Plantarflexion


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