Medical Quiz

Topics: Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz

Grace, a young girl, has been experiencing a common symptom of osteogenesis imperfecta. Which of the following is it?

A. Joint hypermobility

B. Muscle weakness

C. Frequent bone fractures

D. Increased muscle tone

Select your answer:


Healthy Living Vocabulary Bone Marrow Histology Physical and Sensory Impairment Injuries in Archery The Inflammatory Response Digestion and Microbes Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Histology: Cell & Epithelial Tissue Brain and Nervous System Cardiorespiratory System The Cell Cycle & Cancer Teeths EMR Pathophysiology Public Health and Genetic Disease The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

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A. a happier person

B. skinny

C. obese

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