Medical Quiz

Topics: Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz

Aria is a pediatrician who is treating an infant with hip dysplasia. Explain the reasoning behind using a Pavlik harness in this scenario.

A. It allows for immediate weight-bearing

B. It stabilizes the hip joint in a position that promotes normal development

C. It prevents the need for future surgery

D. It is the least expensive treatment option

Select your answer:


Viruses Biomolecules Diseases of Digestive System Genetics and Censorship The nervous system & brain Endocrine System and Nervous System Virus Pulmonary System Anatomical Terminology Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Physiology Pathology Careers in Health Care Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Deficiency Disease Cardio and Resp Disorders ICU

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A. Binary Fission

B. Budding

C. Fragmentation

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A. Preparation, correction, action

B. Action, preparation, correction

C. Preparation, action, correction

D. Correction, preparation, action