Medical Quiz

Parkinson Disease Quiz


Which part of the limbic system is responsible for storing memories?

A. Amygdala

B. Thalamus

C. Hypothalamus

D. Hippocampus

Latin for “little brain”, the cerebellum is responsible for what actions?

A. coordinating automated movements

B. speech

C. personality

D. releasing hormones

What is the thalamus responsible for?

A. directs all incoming sensory information to other parts of the brain

B. moderates body functions such as sleeping

C. monitors higher order thinking

D. controls muscle movement

Can parkinson’s disease be cured

A. Yes

B. No

C. Can be controlled(reduced)

Where is the cerebellum located?

A. Behind the brain stem

B. On the frontal lobe

C. Near the middle

What other part of the brain does the basal ganglia mainly interact with?

A. Pineal gland

B. Cerebellum

C. Hypothalamus

D. Broca’s Area

Which of the following symptoms would lead to a diagnosis of Parkinson disease?

A. Tremor

B. Rigidity

C. Postural instability

D. All of the above

The degeneration and loss of neurons that produce dopamine occurs in the _________________?

A. substantia nigra

B. motor cortex

C. spinal cord

D. premotor cortex

Which part of the Hindbrain controls vital functions like blood pressure and heartrate

A. Pons

B. Medulla

C. Cerebellum

What is the largest area of the brain?

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Thalamus

D. Amygdala

What causes Parkinson’s?

A. Sensory neuron death

B. Motor neurons apathy

C. Decreased acetylcholine

D. Loss of dopamine producing cells

The substantia nigra is located in the

A. Hind brain

B. Fore brain

C. Mid brain

D. Big toe


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