Medical Quiz

Topics: Molecular Genetics Quiz

Any change in the sequence of DNA is…

A. transgenic shift

B. Single Genotype

C. Monohybrid Trait

D. Mutation

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Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Homeostasis - Vision Correction Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Obstructive Lung Disease Dermatology The Brain Prehabilitation and Conditioning Obesity Molecular Genetics Infection Detection Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Human Body

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Cardiopulmonary › View

A physical therapist assistant is treating a patient on the tilt table secondary to orthostatic hypotension. The patient has been gradually raised from supine to 60 degrees when the blood pressure begins to suddenly decrease. What is the MOST appropriate manner for the assistant to lower the tilt table?

A. Immediately lower the table to 0 degrees and call the physical therapist for assistance

B. Lower the patient in 5-10 degree increments until the blood pressure stabilizes

C. Return the table to 45 degrees and stay at this level for the remainder of the session

D. Immediately lower the table to 0 degrees and call a medical emergency

Components of Physical Fitness › View

The ability of the body to go through daily activities without being overly tired is known as____________.

A. Cardio Fitness

B. Physical Fitness

C. Muscular Fitness

D. Mental Fitness