Medical Quiz

Topics: Genetics and Probability Quiz

Which of the following is an example of a homozygous genotype?

A. Aa

B. aa

C. AaBb


Select your answer:


Nutrient Cycling Dimensions of Wellness Endocrine System and Nervous System Nutritional Trivia Name that Pathogen Connective Tissue BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Healthcare Careers Child Growth and Development Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Homeostasis - Vision Correction Medication Administration Muscle System Reproduction in Human Beings Pharmacology Calculations

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Circulatory System and Nutrition › View

Promotes repairing and rebuilding of muscle tissue

A. Protein

B. vitamins

C. minerals

D. fats


One inhalation and one respiration is known as

A. one respiration

B. two respirations

C. one cardiac cycle.

D. two cardiac cycles.