Medical Quiz

Topics: Eye Quiz

The ability to adjust your vision to focus on objects near and far away quickly is your…

A. accuity.

B. accommodation.

C. color vision.

D. nearpoint.

Select your answer:


The Human Eye MEDICINE Radiation and Health Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Corona Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Physical Hematology Acute Leukemias Health Systems Skin Diseases Cell Theory Medical Terminology Prefixes Diseases of The Digestive System Mouth - Stomach Deficiency Diseases

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What is the color of Bacillus cells with green endospores in the spore staining technique?

A. Violet

B. Green

C. Blue

D. Red

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What is inhalation?

A. Inhalation is the act of exhaling air.

B. Inhalation is the process of digesting food.

C. Inhalation refers to the circulation of blood.

D. Inhalation is the act of breathing in air.