Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Quiz
Which system protects you from disease?
A. Endocrine
B. Immune
C. Nervous
D. Skeletal
Breastfeeding is how a baby will acquire a _____________
A. Natural active immunity
B. Natural passive immunity
C. Artificial active immunity
D. Artificial passive immunity
What is the main function of white blood cells?
A. Transport oxygen
B. Clot blood
C. Fight infections
D. Store energy
A molecule that the immune system recognizes either as part of the body or as coming from outside the body:
A. Antigen
B. Antibodies
C. Antibiotics
D. Antipaths
Active immunity is when
A. Lymphocyte produce their own antibodies
B. Antibodies is being administered into human body
C. You are immune to any type of disease
D. Macrophages invade your lymphatic system and shield you from ever falling sick
An immune response that occurs in the human body is shown above. This activity helps to do which of the following?
A. Produce antibiotics to control disease
B. Provide protection against a specific pathogen
C. Provide protection against all types of pathogens
D. Eliminate harmful gene alterations
A pathogen that depends on living things to reproduce is a
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. Parasite
Organisms that cause diseases are called?
A. Pathogens
B. Hosts
C. Phagocytes
D. Toxins
Cells that ingest pathogens are
A. plasma cells
B. phagocytic cells
C. helper T cells
D. antibodies
A substance made from a weakened pathogen or part of a pathogen that triggers an immune response is a
A. Virus
B. Vaccine
C. Antibiotic
D. Fever
Which of the following remember antigens that have already attacked the body?
A. Antibodies
B. B cells
C. Antigens
D. Memory cells
What is a vaccine?
A. A weakened pathogen injected in the body to produce immunity
B. Temporary immunity that develops as natural exposure
C. An overreaction of the immune system
D. Medicine that helps after you’re infected
First Line of defenses include…
A. Skin and Mucus
B. White Blood Cells
C. Fever
D. Inflammation
What is the scientific name of the causes of infectious diseases?
A. Germ
B. Pathogen
C. Intruder
D. Disease
What traps germs in your respiratory system?
A. White Blood Cells
B. Stomach Acid
C. Mucus
D. Air