Select your answer:
Healthcare Careers Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Nutrients in Food Public Health and Genetic Disease Circulatory System Renal, Cancer, HIV Normal Radiographic Anatomy The Blood SPED Law-lympics Cell Cycle; Cancer Year 7 Nutrition Enzymes Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Physiology Pathology Endocrine System and Nervous SystemOther quiz:
Human Anatomy and Physiology › ViewWhich of following processes is the function of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system?
A. Ingestion
B. Secretion
C. Mixing and propulsion
D. Absorption
Molecular Genetics › View
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and chimps have 24 pairs of chromosomes. What is the most likely explanation for these differences in human and chimp genomes?
A. At some point in evolution, human and chimp ancestors reproduced with each other.
B. In the evolution of chimps, new adaptations resulted from additional chromosomal material.
C. The common ancestor of humans and chimps had 24 pairs of chromosomes. During human evolution, two human chromosomes fused end to end.
D. Errors in mitosis resulted in an additional pair of chromosomes in chimps.