Medical Quiz

Topics: Circulatory & Respiratory System Quiz

Which body systems work together to make sure that oxygen reaches the cells from the outside environment and carbon dioxide is remove from the body?

A. Circulatory and excretory

B. Circulatory and respiratory

C. Respiratory and excretory

D. Respiratory and skeletal

Select your answer:


Defence against Infectious Diseases Transport system in Living Things (Human) MEDICINE Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Inflammation and Healing Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Microbial Growth Genes and Cells Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Patient-Centered Endocrinology Physical Fitness Components Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Cholera Hematology & Blood Banking Disease & Immunity

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What is the destination of the third order sensory neurons?

A. Parietal Lobe Cortex

B. Frontal Lobe Cortex

C. Thalamus

D. Skin, Viscera, Tendons and Muscle

Cardiovascular System › View

The contraction of the cardiac muscle is called:

A. Diastole

B. Heart beat

C. Systole

D. Alveolus