Medical Quiz

Topics: Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Quiz

neck artery

A. carotid

B. jugular

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher The Inflammatory Response Infectious Disease Latin & Greek in Medicine Human Digestive System Atoms and Radioactivity Health and Hygiene Breathing ...Respiration Wellness & Influences Food System & Nutrients Brain Name that Pathogen Respiratory Acidosis Diseases & Disorders Body System

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Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life › View

breaks down food into energy that the cell can use in a process called cellular respiration

A. chloroplast

B. ribosome

C. mitochondria

D. nucleus

Musculoskeletal System › View

Which of the following is an example of a fibrous joint?

A. Skull plates

B. Humerus to the scapula

C. Leg bone connected to the hip bone

D. Teeth connected to the jaw

E. All of these