Medical Quiz

Benefits of Physical Activity Quiz


What can be defined as, “The ability to keep the body under control at high speed.”

A. Reaction Time

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Agility

E. Power

What part of your body will be most benefited from exercise?

A. Your bones

B. Your muscles

C. Your heart

D. All of these

Physical activity can help

A. make you weaker

B. make you stronger

C. make dinner

D. you get less sleep

The ability to keep an upright position while moving or standing still.

A. Balance

B. Agility

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time

A particular muscle group’s ability to continuously contract against a given resistance.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Body Composition

C. Flexibility

D. Muscular Strength

E. Muscular Endurance

The ability to change your body’s position quickly to control your body’s movements.

A. Agility

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time

Refers to your body’s ability to efficiently and effectively intake oxygen and deliver it to your body’s tissues by way of the heart, lungs, arteries, vessels, and veins.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Body Composition

C. Flexibility

D. Muscular Strength

E. Muscular Endurance

Physical activity increases our

A. Mental wellness (how well we think)

B. Physical wellness (how well our bodies perform)

C. Emotional wellness (how we feel)

D. All of the above

The ability to use two or more body parts together at the same time.

A. Coordination

B. Balance

C. Reaction Time

D. Agility

Refers to the range of motion you have around a given joint.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Body Composition

C. Flexibility

D. Muscular Strength

E. Muscular Endurance

Refers to the amount of force a particular muscle group can produce in one, all-out effort. In strength training terms, it’s your one-rep max.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Body Composition

C. Flexibility

D. Muscular Strength

E. Muscular Endurance

The ability to use your strength quickly.

A. Power

B. Muscular Strength

C. Muscular Endurance

D. Speed

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of exercise

A. improved cell health

B. prevention of injuries

C. reduced risk of premature death

D. increased risk of certain diseases

These are chemicals in the brain triggered by physical activity that give us a sense of well-being; they are “feel good chemicals”.

A. Sweets

B. Oxygen

C. Endorphins

D. Carbon Dioxide

What is defined as, “The length of time between a stimulus and your response to that stimulus.”

A. Coordination

B. Reaction time

C. Speed

D. Power


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