Medical Quiz

Sports Medicine Quiz

What is the minimum educational requirement mentioned for the profession?

A. High school diploma

B. Associate’s degree

C. Bachelor’s degree

D. Doctorate degree

Select your answer:


Human Genome and Bioethics Review Human Genetics Urinary System Medical Terms Mycology Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Biochemistry HFT Vitamins SCI CH2-1 Bonding and the Periodic Table Cells, Tissues and Organs Hele Skeletal System Pathophysiology Muscle Tissue A&P Musculoskeletal

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Nutrition › View

The biggest sources of Carbohydrates would be

A. Fruits & Vegetables

B. Red Meat, Seafood, Nuts, Eggs, Beans

C. Bread, Cereals, Pastas, Rice, Grains

D. Butter, Oils, Fried Food, Bacon

Muscular System Movements › View

Which of these muscles is the prime mover of elbow extension?

A. brachialis

B. latissumus dorsi

C. deltoid

D. triceps brachii

E. biceps brachii