Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Which type of joint allows for movement in all directions?

A. Hinge joint

B. Ball and socket joint

C. Pivot joint

D. Gliding joint

Select your answer:


Histology - Tissues Shelter Medicine Digestive System Medical Terminology Safety and First Aid Respiration in Organisms Branches of Microbiology Protein Synthesis Enzymes Cell Vocabulary Bone Development and Remodeling Physical and Sensory Impairment Musculoskeletal Body Fluids and Blood Cells Leaves Forensic Odontology Health & Wellness Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Pancreatitis › View

A male patient presents 8 weeks after an episode of acute pancreatitis. He reports vague abdominal pain and difficulty eating. His vital signs and laboratory values are normal, but his examination is notable for epigastric tenderness. A computed tomography scan shows a 10-cm pancreatic pseudocyst adjacent to the stomach. Which is the next best step?

A. Discharge to home with antibiotics

B. Percutaneous aspiration

C. Percutaneous drainage

D. Endoscopic drainage

E. Operative drainage

Bone Marrow Histology › View

True/False: It can be normal to find plasma cells in bone marrow.