★ Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Quiz
A dislocation occurs when a ________ is pulled or twisted out of place at a joint.
A. muscle
B. ligament
C. bone
D. tendon
Select your answer:
Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Essential Nutrients Advanced Stretching SM2 Bones and Muscles Bone Diabetes Mellitus Humanistic and Biological Psychology Biochemistry Lab Human Eye and Colourful World Biological Molecules Nail Enhancement Cells, Tissues and Organs Degeneration Pathology Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Parkinson DiseaseOther quiz:
Homeotic Genes and Cancer › ViewMutagen
A. solid tumors that grow in tissues that form blood cells
B. something that causes a genetic mutations
C. any substance that increases the risk of cancer
D. gene mutated to cause cancer
Infection Detection › View
An infectious disease that can be spread from person to person or from an animal to a person. The spread can occur by direct or indirect contact with an affected individual.
A. communicable disease
B. experiment
C. scientists
D. infection