Medical Quiz

Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Quiz

What is the Immune system?

A.  The body’s defense system

B. A system that gives support and structure 

C. A system that helps you breathe

D. None of the above

Select your answer:


Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Macromolecules Immunology Laparoscopic Surgery Enzymes and Movement of Substances Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Health and Disease Mitosis for Mya Eye Histology Immunity in Humans Health and Nutrition Pathology Endocrine Pediatric Cardiology Skeletal Pathology Bacteriology

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a type of food required in large amounts in the diet.

A. macronutrients

B. micronutrients

C. nonfood

D. dietary supplements

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The stages of CKD are based on the length of time GFR has been decreased