Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

What is an antigen?

A. A type of white blood cell.

B. A molecule that provokes a specific immune response.

C. A type of bacteria.

D. A type of virus.

Select your answer:


Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Homeostasis and Disease Health Issues and Concerns Organisms Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Gastroenterology Types of Reproduction Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Diabetes Mellitus Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Serology/Blood Typing Regulation of Heart Rate Mutations Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Cardiorespiratory System

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Which of the following make muscular system?

A. Bone

B. Arm

C. Muscle

D. Hair

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Which describes a genotype with two identical alleles for a trait, such as PP?

A. heterozygous

B. homozygous