Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

What is the primary function of the nervous system?

A. To digest food and absorb nutrients.

B. To coordinate and control body responses to stimuli.

C. To circulate blood throughout the body.

D. To provide structural support to the body.

Select your answer:


Defence against Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Immune System Molecular Basis of Inheritance Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Safety and First Aid Enzymes & Metabolism HL HFT Vitamins Male Reproductive System Pharmacology Calculations Stress Human Body and Pathogens Philosophy

Other quiz:

Discovery of DNA › View

Avery added an enzyme known to break down and destroy DNA to his heat killed S-strain bacteria, and saw that the R-strain bacteria were ____________________

A. still transformed, and killed the mice.

B. no longer transformed, and the mice lived

C. partially transformed, and the mice got sick but survived.

D. still transformed, but no longer killed the mice

Male Reproductive System › View

The male reproductive organ that stores maturing sperm is the

A. Epididymis

B. Vas Deferens

C. Prostate Gland

D. Urethra