Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

What is the significance of irreversible cell injury?

A. Irreversible cell injury leads to cell death and tissue damage.

B. Irreversible cell injury causes increased cell function

C. Irreversible cell injury results in tissue regeneration

D. Irreversible cell injury leads to cell division

Select your answer:


Heart Structure and Double Circulation Upper Limb Nail Disorders and Diseases Homeostasis Hematology Diabetes Muscle pathophysiology Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Physiothearpy in Neurology Radiography CV System A&P & Pathology Circulation of Blood Thrombosis, Emboliya What is Psychology? First Aid Bleeding

Other quiz:

Circulatory System › View

Major artery that goes out of the heart to the body?

A. Vena Cava

B. Aorta

C. Pulmonary Vein

D. Pulmonary Artery

Pulmonology › View

The paranasal sinuses, together with other structures of the upper respiratory tract,

A. are where a small percentage of gas exchange occurs.

B. form part of the respiratory membrane.

C. are involved in filtering, warming, and humidifying incoming air..

D. provide a large area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood.

E. are lined by a delicate simple squamous epithelium.