Medical Quiz

Physiology Pathology Quiz

What blood group is the universal recipient?

A. AB Positive

B. AB Negative

C. O Positive

D. O Negative

Select your answer:


Characteristics of Life Orthopaedic Neurology The Energy Nutrients Endocrine System and Nervous System Population Ecology Physical Fitness Eye Physiology Hygiene and Nutrition Uses of Radioactive Radiation Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Muscle Tissue Cell Biology & Biotechnology Organization of Systems Schizophrenia Hazards & Risks

Other quiz:

Lungs › View

_______________________ is the largest muscle, which is also the most efficient. It is located under the lungs and separates them from the other internal organs such as the liver, the stomach, the intestines and etc.

A. Trachea

B. Bronchi

C. Bronchioles

D. Diaphragm

Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis › View

It is a set of questions and observations that systematically evaluate the client’s awareness, orientation with regard to time and place, attention span, memory, judgment and insight, thought content and processes, mood, and appearance.

A. Neuropsychological Examination

B. Interview

C. Behavioral Observation

D. Mental Status Examination