Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Terms Quiz

The combining form “adren/o-” pertains to:

A. Hormones

B. Blood sugar

C. Adrenal glands

D. Adrenaline

Select your answer:


Macromolecules and Enzymes Bacteria & Disease Integumentary System Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Nutrient Cycling Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Bones, Joints and Muscles Eyes Muscular System Cellular Transport and Metabolism Muscoskeletal Injuries Male Reproductive System

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How many heart beats a minute is normal for a healthy adult?

A. 40-60

B. 60-80

C. 80-100

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How do infectious diseases impact the body?

A. Infectious diseases impact the body by reducing the risk of other illnesses.

B. Infectious diseases impact the body by invading and multiplying within the body’s cells, causing damage to tissues and organs, triggering immune responses, and potentially leading to symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and inflammation.

C. Infectious diseases impact the body by promoting longevity and vitality.

D. Infectious diseases impact the body by enhancing overall health and well-being.