Medical Quiz

Multicellular Organisms Quiz

What are the five senses that play an integral role in how multicellular organisms interact and respond to the environment?

A. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Taste

B. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Balance

C. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Movement

D. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Pain

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Physiology Pathology Psoriasis Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Innate Immunity Types of Reproduction Nucleic Acids Embryology Pathology Endocrine Circulatory and Nervous System Homeostasis - Vision Correction BMI (Body Mass Index) Health and The Environment Cell Reproduction Facial & Dental Injuries

Other quiz:

Cardiology › View

Which of the following is consistent with severe pulmonary hypertension as indicated by the Doppler velocity curve?

A. Slow acceleration and late systolic notching

B. Rapid acceleration and mid-systolic notching

C. Gradual acceleration and early diastolic notching

D. Steady velocity and late diastolic notching

Homeostasis and Disease › View

Which of these would be a chronic condition?

A. sprained ankle

B. tendonitis

C. twisted knee

D. acute appendicitis