Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

If an antibody response were to be initiated against an endotoxin, against what structure would it be directed?

A. Lipid A

B. Core polysaccharide

C. O-polysaccharide

D. None of the choices

Select your answer:


Infection Control Health and Social Care Kidney - Loop of Henl� Unintentional Injuries Soldiers of Defense CV System A&P & Pathology Types of Doctors Facial & Dental Injuries Genetics Vocabulary Organ Systems Nutrition in Animals Neurological Disorders World Health Day Eczema Nature of Science

Other quiz:

Breath › View

Regional discrepancy between alveolar ventilation and capillary blood flow leads to a violation;

A. diffusion capacity of the lungs

B. lung perfusion capacity

C. alveolar hypoventilation

D. alveolar hyperventilation

E. ventilation-perfusion relations

Immunisation › View

 Like all other body systems, the immune system helps the body maintain homeostasis.  Which statement best describes how the immune system does this?  

A. it protects other organs and tissues from infection and disease

B. it breaks down food to provide cells with nutrients

C. it gathers information through the senses and controls all other body systems

D.  it transports oxygen and carbon dioxide