Medical Quiz

Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Quiz

Which of these statements are NOT true?

A. The fluid-filled cavity of the inner ear is called the labyrinth.

B. The hearing and equilibrium sensory organs are in the labyrinth.

C. The semicircular canals are the sensory organs for hearing.

D. The sensory organs in the inner ear contain hair cells.

Select your answer:


Macronutrients & Micronutrients Somatotypes Mental Health Germs Enzymes and Digestion The Cell Cycle & Cancer Cardiopulmonary Respiratory System Med Term Protozoan Diseases Pathophysiology_Endocrine Biological Molecules Malaria CPR Biochemistry/Cells Food and Nutrition

Other quiz:

Health Unit Coordinating › View

The physician has written an order for a blood test on a patient’s paper chart. The role of the HUC would be to:

A. draw the blood sample.

B. explain the reason for the test to the patient.

C. interpret the results and advise the family.

D. transcribe the blood test order and enter it into the computer.

Body Systems › View

Which body system controls the rest of the body by sending and receiving electrical signals?

A. Digestive

B. Circulatory

C. Muscular-skeletal

D. Nervous

E. Respiratory