Medical Quiz

Laser in Medicine Quiz

Light amplification in LASER is achieved by

A. Population inversion

B. Stimulated emission

C. Spontaneous emission

D. Pumping

Select your answer:


Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Adaptive Immune System Muscular System NCHSE Pharmacology Vitamins Upper Limb Stress and Mental Health CVA Radiography Vitamins and Minerals Biological Molecules Cardiovascular System Anatomy The Chemistry of Microbiology Central and Peripheral Nervous System Life Processes Lifetime Wellness

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Erythrocyte Disorders › View

The erythrocytes that are produced are fragile and break easily.

A. Renal anemia

B. Hemolytic anemia

C. Anemia

D. Blood doping

Excretory System › View

In a healthy person, the main job of the kidney is to produce urine that contains

A. indigestible foods and bacteria.

B. glucose and amino acids.

C. toxic waste products of metabolism.

D. water and plasma proteins.