Medical Quiz

Latin & Greek in Medicine Quiz

“ology” means ____.

A. the study of

B. the belief in

C. pain

D. healing

Select your answer:


Physiothearpy in Neurology The Cell Hospice Basics Pathology Inflammation Diagnostic Tools Renal Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi My Teeth Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition The Circulatory System Diseases of The Body Systems Alzheimer Disease Urinary System and Fluid Balance Disease Outbreak and Transmission

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It controls reflexes and basic life functions such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.

A. Cerebellum

B. Cerebrum

C. Diencephalon

D. Brain Stem

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Which of the following nutrients needed in Limited quantity

A. Fat

B. Protein

C. Carbohydrate

D. Vitamin