Medical Quiz

Energy and Metabolism Quiz

What is the energy balance if energy intake is equal to energy expenditure over time?

A. Weight loss

B. No effect

C. Stable weight

D. Weight gain

Select your answer:


Radiology Infection Control Properties of the Hair Connective Tissue Skin Digestive System and Nutrition Plasmid Mitosis for Mya Benefits of Physical Activity Surgical Nutrition Major Internal Organs of the Body Special Senses Cardiorespiratory Endurance Microbial Growth Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Pulmonology/Respiratory

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Nervous System › View

These carry messages to and from parts of your brain.

A. blood

B. veins

C. nerves

D. arteries

Immune system › View

What is the function of T helper cells?

A. release chemicals to activate B cells

B. produce anti-bodies that target a particular antigen

C. differentiate into plasma cells

D. A and B are true