Medical Quiz

Cell Structure and Function Concept Quiz

Describe and diagram the relationship between mitochondria and chloroplast.

A. They are unrelated organelles

B. They are both involved in photosynthesis

C. They work together to produce ATP

D. They are found only in animal cells

Select your answer:


Public Health and Genetic Disease Immunisation Skeletal System Iron Kinetics Dental Specialties Wellness & Influences Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Viruses and Prions Blood types and Blood Components Vitamins Fat Virus and Bacteria Health Issues and Concerns Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) CP A&P: Cardiovascular

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Used to determine whether an object is older or younger than other objects

A. Superposition

B. Relative Dating

C. Fossil

D. Unconformity

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The ABC study is a study to understand the causes of cancer. ABC stands for:

A. Avoid breast cancer

B. Always be cool

C. Australian Breakthrough Cancer

D. Australians being careful