Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

The process by which organisms take in food and break it down

A. Metabolism

B. Nutrition

C. Photosynthesis

D. Homeostasis

Select your answer:


Gene Cloning Eco Factors & Bacteria Cell Gestalt Therapy Biomedical Human Anatomy and Physiology Cell Theory & Melanoma Thyroid Gland Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Immunity and Vaccines Thyroid Cardiovascular Diseases Orthopaedic Neurology Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Cellular Components

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Biotechnology › View

What was Edward Jenner’s contribution to immunology?

A. He discovered the smallpox virus.

B. He developed the first vaccine using cowpox.

C. He invented antibiotics.

D. He discovered the chickenpox virus.

Infection Control › View

Health care workers who have direct patient contact are advised to take the

A. AIDS vaccine

B. hepatitis B vaccine

C. herpes vaccine

D. staphylococcus vaccine