Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

A muscle strain is an example of:

A. An acute injury

B. A chronic injury

C. An overuse injury

D. A direct injury

Select your answer:


Health and Wellness Urinary System Medical Terms Inflammation and Healing Body Muscles and Movements Cosmetology Anatomy Dermatosis Genetics Vocabulary Nutrition Lipid Metabolism Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Injuries in Archery Cardiovascular System Terminology Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Parts of Human Body

Other quiz:

Ecology › View

Which of the following explains adaptation.
A. An individual organism changes to meet its needs in the environment. These changes pass down to their offspring.
B. The species as a whole changes their characteristics.
C. Beneficial traits allow organism to survive and pass on those traits
D. New characteristics arise in a species as needed.  If these traits are helpful, they are passed down.

Anatomy and Histology › View

What is the function of the visceral pleura in the lungs?

A. Creates cavities

B. Produces hormones

C. Connects to the thoracic wall

D. Surrounds the lung