Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular Quiz

A sign that indicates that a patient has a possibility of developing thrombophlebitis?

A. Moses’ sign

B. steks’s sign

C. Homan’s sign

D. Psoas sign

Select your answer:


Cardiology Medications Anxiety Disorders The Chemistry of Microbiology Normal Radiographic Anatomy Health and Social Care Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Protozoan Diseases Med Term Musculoskeletal The Digestive System Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Antimicrobial Pharmacology The Inflammatory Response Sarcomere Anatomy Who am Eye? Nutritional Trivia

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Hip and shoulder have examples of this type of joint

A. ball and socket

B. condyloid

C. hinge

D. gliding

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Mike has type O blood. Mike can receive blood from someone who has Type A or Type B.