Medical Quiz

Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Quiz

With a higher VO2 Max a person can exercise:

A. At a higher intensity for a shorter period of time

B. At a lower intensity for a longer period of time

C. At a higher intensity for a longer period of time

D. At a lower intensity for a shorter period of time

Select your answer:


Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Human Body Systems Inhalation Injury Circulation of Blood Food Division of Microbiology Biochemistry of Diabetes Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Diseases of The Digestive System Properties of Hair and Scalp Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Heart Anatomy Organelles

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Which condition reflects inadequate production of insulin?

A. type 1 diabetes

B. type 2 diabetes

C. type 3 diabetes

D. hypoglycemia

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The following is the pathophysiology for which restrictive pulmonary disease:

Airborne droplets inspired into lungs; inflammation –> inc neutrophil, macrophage activity; bacilli sealed off –> tubercle lesion; scar tissue

A. Tuberculosis


C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. Pneumonia