Medical Quiz

Joints & Movement Quiz

This type of joint between the proximal phalange and metacarpal bones (NOT including the thumb) allows for limited circumduction, but no rotation.

A. pivot

B. condyloid

C. ball and socket

D. saddle

Select your answer:


Trauma Burns and Skin Cancer Vision AEMT EMS Systems Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Contemporary Nutrition Issues Health and Medicine Wellness Vocabulary Human Body Systems Healthcare Careers Nutrition and Human Digestive System Hematology / Oncology Infection Detection Health Systems Cell Bio

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Glucose in the Body › View

Which hormone is produced by the liver?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Cell Cycle; Cancer › View

The first checkpoint that happens. Proteins check that the cell is growing properly and that the DNA is not damaged

A. G1 checkpoint

B. G2 checkpoint

C. M checkpoint